Québec RE3 Conference will be held in Québec City from June 7 – 11, 2020
The dawn of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) is great timing for our joint conference between the Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA), the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS). Furthermore, our conference will follow the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and will celebrate SWS’s 40th year as a society.
The proposed theme of the conference for 2020 is From Reclaiming to Restoring and Rewilding. It aims to stimulate discussions about the range of environmental management approaches advocated by the three hosting societies. Reclaiming is recognized and practiced by many industries, including mining and petrol extraction. Restoring is recognized most broadly around the world, and has been the main focus of SER. Rewilding, or bringing back to nature, allows us to dream. These terms also imply ideas of industry, science, practice, society and imagination. They run from the practical to the creative.
Submit your abstract
It is now time to submit your abstract for the Québec RE3 Conference. The call for abstracts will be open until January 30, 2020. We welcome abstracts for issues related to ecosystem reclamation, restoration, rewilding and/or wetland science, practice or policy, including social, cultural, and economic considerations. All abstracts, including those for accepted symposia, must be submitted through the online form on the Québec RE3 website.
Register today
Early bird registration is now open! Be one of the first to save your place for one of our 20 amazing field trips, and to book your room to receive exclusive discounted hotel rates.
2020 Wetland Foundation Travel Grants
The Wetland Foundation is soliciting applications for 2020 travel grants. Applications are being accepted from any student who is currently enrolled at an academic institution in the United States and who meets the specific criteria for one of the types of grants listed below. For more information, visit The Wetland Foundation website. Application deadline is December 18, 2019.
Conference Travel Grant Type 1 ($800): For advanced undergraduate and graduate students who have never attended a wetland scientific conference and who have limited funds for travel.
Conference Travel Grant Type 2 ($1400): For advanced undergraduate and graduate students with limited funding to present their wetland research findings at a conference.
Field Travel Grant Type 1 ($800): For outstanding graduate students with limited funding to defray field expenses associated with thesis or dissertation research on wetlands.
Field Travel Grant Type 2 ($600): For promising undergraduate students to defray costs of a field course focused on wetlands.
Seneca Award ($1600): For a student whose research focuses on wetland plant ecology or restoration.
SWS Peatlands Section sponsoring three student travel grants
The SWS peatlands section is sponsoring three travel grants ($500 US each) for students, offering partial assistance to present their research on peatlands at the upcoming RE3 meeting in Quebec City. Candidates have to be registered as students at the time of the conference to be eligible, and be members of the SWS peatlands section by the time they receive their award. They also need to be first author on a talk or a poster. An application package should be sent to SWS.peat.section@gmail.com before the abstract submission deadline on January 30 at 5pm (EST) with “Student travel grant application package” as a header. The package should include, in one PDF file, the following:
A two-page (maximum) motivation letter. The letter should address the importance of peatlands in the student’s studies and/or future career path, and explain the impact of the conference for the student’s development. It should also include a statement on the student’s financial need and detail the provenance of other sources of funding to attend the conference.
A transcript covering the last two years of study (unofficial transcripts are accepted).
The abstract that was submitted to the conference.
A reference letter from the supervisor.
Evaluation criteria will include financial need, the perceived impact that the RE3 conference will have in helping the student develop scientifically, the scientific merit of the abstract, and academic excellence. Preference will be given to applicants from groups who are underrepresented in STEM.
The result of the competition will be announced before the presenting author registration deadline on March 15.
Don’t forget your passport!
Even if you are traveling from the United States, you will need a passport for travel to Canada. Here are some tips to consider:
Don’t wait until the last second. You can get a passport in two weeks, but it will cost you rush fees and some grey hairs worrying about it! Here’s how to get a passport.
Ensure your current passport will still be current for your return trip! You may not be able to depart if your passport expires within a month or two of your journey. Renew it now if it does.
If you travel extensively consider getting CLEAR or TSA PreCheck which can streamline your trip through TSA and security checkpoints and the Global Entry which simplifies reentry to the United States through Customs.
Reminder of important dates and deadlines:
Registration started: December 10, 2019
Abstract submission deadline: January 30, 2020
Abstract acceptance notice: March 2, 2020
Early bird and presenting author registration deadline: March 15, 2020
General information
Around 50 symposia, workshops and training course submitted – List of topics and themes covered
Keynote speakers:
Hans Joosten – Prof. at University of Greifswald and Secretary-General of the IMCG
Eric Higgs – Prof. at University of Victoria
Karsten Heuer – Parks Canada and former Y2Y president
Karin Kettenring – Prof. at Utah State University
Dianna Kopansky – Peatlands Policy & Program Expert at UN Environment Programme
Jane Madgwick – Chief Executive Officer, Wetlands International
Presentation of the Organizing Committee on the event website
20 confirmed field trips, and more to come
Several confirmed partners
Please plan to join us!
The Organizing Committee, Reclaim, Restore, Rewild